Kristian Widjaja’s Blog

11 May, 2009

So much to do, so little time!

Posted by: Kristian In: Leadership|Technology

Have you ever wished you had more hours in the day? Did you ever find yourself juggling many things at once? I struggle with this often, and find myself spread thin at times. When there are so many things going on, it is also a challenge to focus on priorities, and to remember all tasks that matter. One principle that stuck with me from Servant Leadership is the principle of focused prioritization.

Although I have tried to manage priorities before using todo lists, it had been somewhat a challenge to do so using off-line solutions. What I needed was an on-line solution that was easily accessible anywhere. I found this app in Google Tasks.

Google Tasks allows you to jot down your todo list, and access it on-line or through your mobile device. I thought that it was quite useful as an orgnizational tool. Here is a screen shot of what such a task list would look like:



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My name is Kristian Widjaja and I am married to my beautiful wife, Yuliany Widjaja. We have two kids who keep us busy at all times!

I have started this blog, primarily to jot down random thoughts that I have, as well as to document some interesting projects that I have done around the home.